UPDATED 11-19-2017
Model AT-6D
N6982C [Registered]
Serial# 41-34252
Year Built 1943
Manufactured by North American Aviation
TTAF (Military) 4,013 hrs
Hangared since 1972! Original military compliance records / airframe & engine logs
A complete fuselage assembly with wing center section attached including main landing gear with brakes, wheels and tires installed. Tail wheel trunnion is installed, tail wheel and tire are included but not installed. Cockpit canopy is in place and is clean and straight but windshield and canopy glass not installed. Fuselage side skin panels above wing currently removed. All cockpit and baggage interior structural tubing, foot troughs, wing center section, fuel tank bays and undercarriage areas are clean and have been painted or primered to exclude corrosion. Fuel tanks were removed to facilitate the work mentioned but are in good condition. The firewall and engine rear compartment are clean and painted or primered. The oil reservoir is in place. The engine mount and exhaust heat shield are installed also oil heat exchanger and induction housing are in place. The vertical and horizontal stabilizers are not installed but are clean and have been stripped. All are in good condition. The Wing outer panels are clean, stripped. Wing skins and structures appear to be in good condition. The wings have been kept in wing stands to protect them from damage while stored. The ailerons and flap panels are removed and are clean and straight. The rudder and elevator control surfaces have been reconditioned and covered with fabric and dope up to silver. There are many many parts here that belong to this aircraft and we believe that we have the complete airframe along with a number of spares. No engine
Aircraft and parts available for inspection by appointment for prospective buyers.
This would be an awesome project for the diehard warbird enthusiast looking for the perfect gift to themself! Serious inquiries only - no trades! Direct sales only! >>> Make Your Best Offer <<<
General characteristics
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